Tuition Assistance Voucher Upload
Welcome! Below is a fillable form to submit your Tuition Assistance voucher(s) to the University of Charleston. Thank you for taking this step to ensure your courses are properly billed. Please complete all required fields and attach a signed copy of your Tuition Assistance voucher. Vouchers that are not signed will be returned to be resubmitted.
Prior to submitting
Please double check that the term start and end dates are correct. Incorrect start or end dates will be returned for revision. If you need to correct the term dates, please call your tuition-granting agency or Virtual Education Center (GoArmyEd, Navy VEC, Air Force VEC, etc.)
Please ensure your voucher is signed on the Applicant's Signature line. You can either sign by hand and scan, or use a digital signature.
For assistance with the Tuition Assistance or Veteran's Benefits, email and one of our military support team members will follow up with you.
Please note you will receive a billing statement, but the submitted Tuition Assistance or military aid may not appear on your account for up to 4 weeks. Course information discrepancies may also produce delays in payment.